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Welcome to
Albert St.
Denture Clinic

Denture Clinic specializing in complete and partial dentures since 1994. Free consultations. We accept all insurance companies and the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program. 


Full-service denture clinic specializing in complete and partial dentures. Free consultations. We are always accepting new patients, no referral is needed. We accept all insurance companies and the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program.

Same-Day Relines, Repairs, and Tooth Additions
*in most cases*

complete dentures Albert St Denture Clinic Clinton Goderich

Standardized sets, custom, precision- we go over all of your choices to help you make the right decision for your personal needs.

partial dentures Albert St Denture Clinic Clinton Goderich

If you have several remaining teeth and do not need a complete set of dentures, partial dentures may be more suited for you. We have several different types and styles made custom to suit your needs.

Dental Implant - Albert St Denture Clinic Clinton Goderich

Implant dentures are more stable and feel more “real” than most types of dentures. Implants are a proven restoration option with a long, clinical history and excellent success rate. Many patients who have chosen implant-supported dentures report they are happy and comfortable for the first time since losing their natural teeth.


Immediate Dentures - seniors - Albert St Denture Clinic Clinton Goderich

Prior to extractions, we take impressions and specific measurements of your existing oral situation. Together, with the denturist, we determine the size, shape, and colour of the teeth, as well as other esthetic considerations for your new dentures. We will coordinate with the dentist or surgeon for extraction. The finished denture will be inserted immediately after your tooth or teeth have been extracted, while your mouth is still frozen with a local anesthetic. 

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dentures secured to dental implants- implant dentures are more stable and “real” feeling than most types of dentures. Implants are a proven restoration option with a long, clinical history and excellent success rate. Many patients who have chosen implant-supported dentures report they are happy and comfortable for the first time since losing their natural teeth.

Benefits Of Dental Implants


Improved oral health, ability to eat, appearance and confidence


Increased denture comfort


Increased denture stability


Helps stabilize bone loss


Resorption of tissue is reduced

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